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Presentation of the Earth Networks lightning detection system

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Presentation of the Earth Networks lightning detection system, installed in the Ukraine in 2016.

Presentation of the Earth Networks lightning detection system, installed in the Ukraine in 2016. The presentation the EARTH NETWORKS total lightning detection system, which was installed jointly of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center and company «EARTH NETWORKS» (USA) was presented on October 26, 2016 at the hotel Hyatt, Kyiv. The presented system includes advanced sensors, which can detect lightning and measure the electric field of thunderstorms. The sensors of lightning detection have a range of 1,000 kilometers that helps to create affordable and effective systems of thunderstorm warning with high accuracy fixing cloud-cloud and cloud-ground lightings and also make it possible to efficiently display real-time and predict the strong rains, squally wind or hail. During the presentation it was proposed a wide range of integrated software solutions for the timely warning of severe weather (rain, hail) that can satisfy the needs of any customer - from solutions for national meteorological services to industry solutions warnings of adverse weather conditions and early warning systems for education and social objects.

The Presentation was organized by US Embassy in Ukraine.

Presentation of the Earth Networks lightning detection system, installed in the Ukraine in 2016

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