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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

International Conference
Programme (Scientific) Committee
Conference Secretariat and Local Organizing Committee
Conference dates and venue Broad Conference Topics Conference program Publication of Conference materials Template of full text Important Deadlines Registration
Decisions Presentations Photogallery
Hotels Local Transport
Conference Scientific Secretary -
Vitaliy Shpyg, Ph.D.
Tel.: + 380 44 525 86 30
Fax: + 380 44 525 53 63
E-mail: conf@uhmi.org.ua

Conference Secretariat and Local Organizing Committee

Secretariat of the international conference "GLOBAL AND REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGES"
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute
Prospekt Nauki, 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028
Conference Scientific Secretary - Vitaliy Shpyg, Ph.D.
Tel.: + 380 44 525 86 30
Fax: + 380 44 525 53 63
E-mail: conf@uhmi.org.ua


Bilecka Svitlana
Dutko Veronika
Klebanov Denis
Komisar Kateryna
Melnychenko Yuriy
Ornatskiy Igor
Osadcha Natalia
Osadchiy Vasyl
Poperechniy Pavlo
Pryimachenko Natalia
Rogozhyna Alla
Shandra Oleksandra
Skulbidenko Nina
Terlyk Tetiana
Vasylenko Ievgeniia
Vyshar Iryna
© УкрГМІ 2022вгору