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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

International Conference
Programme (Scientific) Committee Conference Secretariat and Local Organizing Committee Conference dates and venue Broad Conference Topics Conference program Publication of Conference materials Template of full text Important Deadlines Registration
Hotels Local Transport
Conference Scientific Secretary -
Vitaliy Shpyg, Ph.D.
Tel.: + 380 44 525 86 30
Fax: + 380 44 525 53 63
E-mail: conf@uhmi.org.ua

Special Section

Name Presentation
Adler R.F. Satellite-based rainfall estimates and their application in global flood and landslide calculations
Groisman P., Ivanov S., Metscherskaya A., Razuvaev V. Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Focus on dry lands
Lawford R. Overview of observing systems and associated research to assess variability and extremes in the Water Cycle
Leung L.R. Overview of Coordinated Projects to Develop Regional Climate Change Scenarios
Lettenmaier D.P. Precipitation extremes and flooding: Evidence of nonstationarity and hydrologic design implications
Ivanov S., Groisman P., Palamarchuk Yu. Regional changes of precipitation in (southeastern) Europe (results and uncertainties)
Gabriele V. On the stationarity of flood peaks in the continental US and central Europe
Stakhiv E. Practical Decisionmaking for climate adaptation in the water sector: the Great Lakes
Toll D., Doorn B., Entin J. NOAA/NWS Streamflow Forecasts
Werner K. Seasonal sreamflow forecasts in the western United States
Johnson W., Zhang Z. Development of the Distributed Sources Contaminant, Transport, Transformation and Fate (CTT&F) Submodel
Onishi Y., Vail L.W., Wigmosta M.S., Zheleznyak M., Voitsekhovich O., Polonsky A. Watershed modeling of flood and contaminant transport

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