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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

International Conference
Programme (Scientific) Committee Conference Secretariat and Local Organizing Committee Conference dates and venue Broad Conference Topics Conference program Publication of Conference materials Template of full text Important Deadlines Registration
Hotels Local Transport
Conference Scientific Secretary -
Vitaliy Shpyg, Ph.D.
Tel.: + 380 44 525 86 30
Fax: + 380 44 525 53 63
E-mail: conf@uhmi.org.ua

Section 3. Oral

Name Presentation
Bogko L., Barsukova E. Anthropogenic changes of climate and their influence on vegetable cultures till in Ukraine
Demydenko A., Leidel M. Education as a key for IWRM and adaptation to climate change
Dmitrenko V., Kryvoruchko I., Odnoletok L. Changes agro-climatic and agro-hydrology resources of Ukraine and the adaptation of agriculture under the influence of climatic changes in the zonal aspect
Dunaieva Ie., Hulsmann A., Popovych V., Zamlynnyi V. Using FOSS and commercial GIS applications for risk assessment and management of water problems, related with climate change
Grebin V. Modern peculiarities intraannual distribution of river runoff in Ukraine
Kuznetsova T., Tykhun O. Long-term planctocenosis dynamics in the Kanevskoe reservoir (Kiev region)
Lysyuk O., Koeppel S. Transboundary cooperation on flood management and climate change adaptation in the Dniester river basin
Mikhailova M., Morozov V. Recent extreme hydrological events on the Lower Danube and in the delta
Milinevsky G., Kovalenok S., Pshenichnov L. Stratosphere ozone distribution over Antarctica asymmetry as impact factor on South Ocean ecosystem
Minicheva G., Bolshakov V., Zotov A., Marinets A., Rusnak E., Khomova E. The resistance of autotrophic communities in the northwestern Black Sea to the climatic change
Polevoy А. Simulation of green leaf photosynthesis at plants of С3 and С4 type at change of СО2 concentration in atmosphere
Shapar A., Smetana S. Adaptation potential of mining lands ecosystems to the climate changes
Tkachenko V., Boychenko S. The features of modern transformation of steppe ecosystems of Ukraine under influence of climate changes

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