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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

International Conference
Programme (Scientific) Committee Conference Secretariat and Local Organizing Committee Conference dates and venue Broad Conference Topics Conference program Publication of Conference materials Template of full text Important Deadlines Registration
Hotels Local Transport
Conference Scientific Secretary -
Vitaliy Shpyg, Ph.D.
Tel.: + 380 44 525 86 30
Fax: + 380 44 525 53 63
E-mail: conf@uhmi.org.ua

Section 1. Oral

Name Presentation
Babichenko V., Bondarenko Z., Nikolaeva N., Rudishina S., Guschina L. Extreme temperature values in Ukraine in conditions of a modern climate
Bannazadeh Mahani M.R., Zoljoodi Zarandi M. How the oceans influence climate
Bodagh Jamali J., Javanmard S. Review сlimate сhange over Iran
Danylevsky V., Milinevsky G., Sosonkin M., Grytsai A., Ivchenko V., Bovchaliuk A., Voytenko V., Goloub P. Atmosphere aerosol dynamics from sunphotometer and satellite measurements over Ukraine for climate change studies
Ilyin Yu. Climatic changes of the Black Sea hydrometeorological conditions
Ivus G., Semergey-Chumachenko A., Savchenko T. Low level jets over Ukraine
Ivus G., Semergey-Chumachenko A., Zubkovych S. Statistical analysis of the surface wind speed over Eastern Ukraine in the changing climate
Klok S., Kruychenitski G., Lavrinenko L. The flows of meteorological disaster for cold period on the territory of Ukraine
Kosovets A., Pakhalyuk O. The air temperature and total precipitation changes in the end of the XX - beginning XXI centuries in comparison with climatological norm
Martazinova V., Ivanova E. Characteristic features of synoptic processes with different probabilities, end XXth - beginning XXIst centuries
Martazinova V., Park Soo II Variability of the number of the `Asian Dust' events during XX century in the South Korea as a result of changes in atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere
Martazinova V., Tymofeyev V. Recent climate in the Antarctic Peninsula Region and atmospheric circulation change
Milinevsky G., Sosonkin M., Grytsai A., Evtushevsky O., Kravchenko V., Lozitsky V., Danilevsky V., Grytsai Z., Kovalenok S., Eremenko N. Ozone layer study over Kyiv by Dobson spectrophotometer measurements
Morozova S. Circulation of the atmosphere as a factor of regional climate variability
Naumova V., Voskresenskaya E., Evstigneev M., Evstigneev V. Storm surges in Azov-Black Sea as regional response to large-scale processes in ocean-atmosphere system
Osadchiy V., Nabyvanets Yu., Stranadko N., Babichenko V., Krakovska S. Preparation of National Communication of Ukraine on Climate Change according to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol
Park Il Soo Low carbon green growth vision of Korea
Perevedentsev Y., Shantalinsky K., Tudry V. The global climate changes and their expressions on climate of the Middle Volga Region
Reshetchenko S. The investigation of nonperiodical phenomenons in ranks of air temperature during 2001-2009 years at the station Kharkov
Rybchenko L., Revera T. Solar radiation in Kiev and Odessa for a clear sky
Snizhko S. Global trends of snow cover and their manifestations in Ukraine
Voloshyna J. Change of climatic resources of Odessa Region
Voskresenskaya E., Maslova V. North Pacific climate variability and Mediterranean-Black Sea cyclones
Zabolotska T., Pidgurska V., Shpital T. Features of climatic changes in cloud cover over the Ukrainian territory

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